»Solange es das Patriarchat gibt, so lange gibt es auch den Kampf dagegen.« AGNES IMHOF
Feminismus / Feminism: The World’s Oldest Human Rights Movement.
From its Beginnings to the Present Day

ca. 384 pages
Spring 2024

This book presents the most important works and theses of feminists from all eras

Because the feminist thought leaders must not be forgotten - and we can learn a lot from them

The book of a new feminist wave - not polemical, but combative

“Agnes Imhof presents the most important theses and works from all eras and continents. About a diverse movement, united by the struggle for women's freedom.” Christian Bitzer, ZDF SACHBUCH BESTENLISTE

“Imhof, a scholar of religion and Islam, thankfully also focuses on developments outside the ‘Western’ world.” Ursula Ebel, BUCHKULTUR

“As Long as Patriarchy Has Existed, There Has Been a Struggle to Resist it.” Agnes Imhof

What was Simone de Beauvoir’s most important feminist thesis? Who are the feminist thinkers of the Arab world? Feminism, the oldest human rights movement in history, has been repeatedly forced back over centuries, which is why we speak of feminist waves, and each backlash sees its leading lights and their ideas forgotten.
This book hopes to demonstrate the achievements of women like Marie de Gournay, Olympe de Gouges, Clara Zetkin, Louise Dittmar, Hedwig Dohm, Marianne Weber, Marie Juchacz, Kate Millet, Rebecca West, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Audre Lorde, and many more did. It presents the theses of their most important works as well as the central representatives of today and their positions, such as Alice Schwarzer, Flavia Dzodan or Rebecca Solnit.
The author provides an overview of the most significant movements and attitudes. After all, feminism was and is multifaceted, according to era, society, and cultural milieu, such as the bourgeois and proletarian movements or the anticolonial women’s movements in Africa and Latin America.
The book takes a chronological approach and moves from the advent of sedentism to Antiquity, to the Middle Ages and on to the beginning of feminism as we know it today, as a movement that emerged out of the modern reform movements of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Agnes Imhof discusses wave after wave within the context of the time and shares the thrilling life stories of exceptionally courageous, clever, and passionate women, who we should all be celebrating.

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Agnes Imhof

Agnes Imhof was born in Munich in 1973 and studied philosophy and completed a doctorate in Islam and theology. She speaks Arabic, Farsi and Italian,...
Agnes Imhof was born in Munich in 1973 and studied philosophy and completed a doctorate in Islam and theology. She speaks Arabic, Farsi and Italian, among other languages, and is a classically trained singer. She is a freelance publisher of non-fiction and novels. Since 2016, she has taught at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and has lectured at the universities of Bamberg, Munich (LMU), Göttingen, Erlangen and Würzburg.