Die Fitness-Lüge
Die Fitness-Lüge

Die Fitness-Lüge

Wie wir die Kraft der Faszie nutzen und ein Leben lang schmerzfrei und geschmeidig bleiben | Warum Muskeln nicht vor Schmerzen schützen

256 pages
Tschüss Hantel, die Faszie macht uns stark!
Die Fitness-Lüge / The Fitness Lie. How to Harness the Power of Fascia and Stay Pain-Free and Supple for Life - Why Muscles Don’t Protect Us From Pain

ca. 256 pages
Autumn 2024

A handy guidebook from a former top athlete, sports medic, senior consultant at a rehab clinic and specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery

This book revolutionises the way we see sport and fitness and proves that popular exercise, as recommended today, is making us sick

Everything you need to know about a much overlooked and underestimated organ

Fasciae – The Key to Greater Mobility and Physical and Mental Health

Germany is sick. Two thirds of people suffer from back pain, the number of people requiring hip and knee operations is growing, and the use of artificial joints is increasing. It’s odd. We’re supposed to be fairly fit — after all, more and more people are exercising. This seeming contradiction comes as no surprise to Dr Arvid Neumann. He was a professional athlete — wrestling and football — and trainer for the German Football Association; he studied sports science and now practises as an orthopaedic specialist, trauma surgeon, and expert in fasciae medicine. He argues that the way we exercise is wrong. Building muscle does not protect against pain. Adages like “A strong back knows no pain” are simply lies. According to Neumann’s credo, we need a new, holistic understanding and approach both body and psyche. Hours spent sweating in fitness studios are no help at all. What matters is how we move about in our everyday lives and how we unwind. With a basis in contemporary research, Neumann’s book teaches us about how the significance of the muscles has been overestimated for decades and how the immense importance of the fasciae has long been overlooked. If we treat them with care, we can achieve what every person wants: a pain-free life, overall wellbeing, and self-awareness, long into old age.

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Arvid Neumann

Dr. med. Arvid Neumann was a professional wrestler, footballer, and trainer for the German Football Association before studying sports science and...
Dr. med. Arvid Neumann was a professional wrestler, footballer, and trainer for the German Football Association before studying sports science and human medicine. He previously worked as a senior consultant at a rehab clinic and now practises as an orthopaedic specialist, trauma surgeon, and expert in fasciae medicine.