Die Ameise als Tramp
Die Ameise als Tramp

Die Ameise als Tramp

Von biologischen Invasionen

512 pages
Tierischen Migranten auf der Spur

Non-Fiction, 512 pp., Autumn 2012

On the trail of animal migrants

Rabbit plagues in Australia, ants in mainframe computers and hospitals, piranhas in French rivers – these are the types of incidents that make up invasion biology.
The colonisation of new habitats has always been a matter of survival for plants and animals. Obstacles used to exist that obstructed the urge to travel. Mountains, oceans, continents and deserts formed insurmountable barriers. The situation changed with the arrival of modern man. An infrastructure network now connects that which was separated for millions of years. Nature hitches a ride with goods being transported from one continent to another. Bernhard Kegel’s fascinating book describes the surprising consequences this has for both our environment and us.

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Bernhard Kegel

Bernhard Kegel, born in Berlin in 1953, studied chemistry and biology at the Free University of Berlin, followed by research work, work as an...
Bernhard Kegel, born in Berlin in 1953, studied chemistry and biology at the Free University of Berlin, followed by research work, work as an ecological expert and lecturer. Since 1993 he has published numerous novels and non-fiction books. Bernhard Kegel's books have been awarded several journalism prizes. Most recently, 'Ausgestorben, um zu bleiben' (2018) and 'Die Natur der Zu-kunft' (2021) were published by DuMont. The author lives in Berlin.