Die Natur der Zukunft
Die Natur der Zukunft

Die Natur der Zukunft

Tier- und Pflanzenwelt in Zeiten des Klimawandels

384 pages
Wie Tiere und Pflanzen auf den Klimawandel reagieren
DIE NATUR DER ZUKUNFT. Tier- und Pflanzenwelt in Zeiten des Klimawandels/
THE NATURE OF THE FUTURE. Flora and Fauna in the Age of Climate Change

Popular Science, ca. 320 pages
Spring 2021 - English sample available

The first book about the effects of climate change on flora and fauna

New scientific insights from the field of climate change biology

How animals and plants are reacting to climate change – and what we need to learn from it

For decades, rising temperatures have been an irrefutable fact. Climate change is not on its way: it’s already here. But how will it affect global flora and fauna?
In this book, Bernhard Kegel looks at how our environment will change in the coming years. What migrations of flora and fauna will we see – and what will this mean for human life? What will happen when natural cycles collapse: when fish hatch because the water is warmer, for example, but there is no food available because phytoplankton do not start multiplying until the days get longer? Two dry years have been enough to cause serious damage to German forests. What if there are more on the way? In order to mitigate the consequences of climate change, which are al-ready life-threatening for large swaths of the world’s population, and to prepare our-selves for the new realities ahead, we need to know how animals and plants are reacting to climatic changes. Because nature will endure – but it will be a different kind of nature. In Die Natur der Zukunft, Bernhard Kegel explores what it will look like.

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Bernhard Kegel

Bernhard Kegel, born in Berlin in 1953, studied chemistry and biology at the Free University of Berlin, followed by research work, work as an...
Bernhard Kegel, born in Berlin in 1953, studied chemistry and biology at the Free University of Berlin, followed by research work, work as an ecological expert and lecturer. Since 1993 he has published numerous novels and non-fiction books. Bernhard Kegel's books have been awarded several journalism prizes. Most recently, 'Ausgestorben, um zu bleiben' (2018) and 'Die Natur der Zu-kunft' (2021) were published by DuMont. The author lives in Berlin.