Anleitung zum Traurigsein
Anleitung zum Traurigsein
Anleitung zum Traurigsein
Anleitung zum Traurigsein
Anleitung zum Traurigsein

Anleitung zum Traurigsein

Wie ich gelernt habe, mit der Trauer zu leben

224 pages
Anleitung zum Traurigsein / How to be Sad. How I learned to live with grief

Non-Fiction, ca. 228 pages
Autumn 2023

''I wrote this for you, me and anyone trying to get fucking ahead!‘’Berni Mayer

A very personal story of grief that shows new ways forward
Written with great linguistic precision

How I learned to live with loss — and became a different person

Grief is part of each life. We grieve for a lost love, a spent youth, a missed opportunity, or the loss of a job. And, most of all, we grieve for the loved ones we’ve lost. When Berni Mayer’s daughter Olivia dies of a brain tumour at the age of four, the pain is all-encompassing. But in his search for help, the writer finds that nothing really reaches him. And so he has written the book he wished he could have read - radically honest, without false taboos, with a genuine understanding and the gift of putting complex, conflicting and diffuse feelings into precise words. Readers learn that grief can be danced away, what diet and fitness have to do with it, and that sometimes you have to learn the right way to be sad. After all, the term "grief work" already implies that hard work is necessary to overcome a certain state. But what should one actually work on? And above all - how?
In this book Berni Mayer tells us what the way back to life can look like, he shares with us what can help when seemingly nothing else helps.

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