»Ein bravouröser Coming-of-Age-und Entwicklungsroman«
Gérard Otremba, Rolling Stone
A Novel, ca. 350 pages
Spring 2019
About Women and Men, and the Inbetween
Falling in Love, Coming of Rage
This is what Robert Blei has been waiting for, forever. School is over and now he can finally escape parental control, get out of his father’s nursery, and do what he’s al-ways wanted to do. But what was that again? His own flat, for sure, new friends, a new band and above all: city girls.
And these are for Robert a pure force of nature which he can’t always withstand. With Antonia Brandt Robert experiences is own sexual revolution. His band is suc-cessful, he is a sought after barkeeper, though university bores him at least it is easy for him. Basically it couldn’t be better.
But then suddenly life decides to take a radical downward turn…
Berni Mayer is telling in an astute as precise and laconic way about becoming a man at a time where hardly anybody knew what the concept of manhood means.
At the same time this is a subtle relationship novel, everyone is searching for love but first has to take a detour: the unpleasant confrontation with yourself.