Der Fälscher
Der Fälscher

Der Fälscher


320 pages
Währungsreform 1948: Oberinspektor Stave ermittelt
A Crime novel, about 336 pp.

“The story is gripping, the language forceful, the setting absorbing.” New Books in German on “Der Trümmermörder”

“The novel provides a meticulously researched, disturbing and always instruc-tive piece of post-war German history. More continuations, please!” - Emmanuel von Stein, Kölner Stadtanzeiger on „Der Fälscher“

The monetary reform of 1948: chief inspector Stave investigates in the forger milieu

Hamburg: While on a routine assignment, chief inspector Frank Stave is gunned down. He survives, but he resigns his post at the homicide division in order to finally restore some peace to his life. But the dead do not leave him in peace. He has only just transferred to Department S, which battles the black market, when Stave is con-fronted with a puzzling case: the women who are clearing the war-time debris in the ruins of a counting house discover works of art from the Weimar period – right next to a corpse whose identity the colleague from the homicide squad apparently does not want to clear up. Shortly thereafter, Lieutenant MacDonald familiarises Stave with a further problem: mysterious bank notes are turning up on the black market, the existence of which are disturbing the secret plans of the allies. The chief in-spector soon discovers curious parallels between the two cases. When day X arrives, the day the new currency is to be introduced, which has been rumoured about for weeks in the city, Stave seems to be close to solving the two cases. But the truth is dangerous, and not only for him …

Rights sold to: English World (Arcadia); French World (Le Masque)

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Cay Rademacher

Cay Rademacher, born in 1965, is a freelance journalist and author. His Provence series includes eleven cases. DuMont also published his trilogy from...
Cay Rademacher, born in 1965, is a freelance journalist and author. His Provence series includes eleven cases. DuMont also published his trilogy from post-war Hamburg: 'Der Trümmermörder' (2011), 'Der Schieber' (2012) and 'Der Fälscher' (2013). He also published the crime novels ‘Ein letzter Sommer in Méjean' (2019), 'Stille Nacht in der Provence' (2020) and ‘Passage nach Maskat (2022). Cay Rademacher lives with his family near Salon-de-Provence in France.