Tödliche Camargue
Tödliche Camargue

Tödliche Camargue

Ein Provence-Krimi mit Capitaine Roger Blanc (2)

320 pages
DEATHLY CAMARGUE. A crime novel from
Provence with Capitaine Roger Blanc

A Novel, ca. 272 pp., Spring 2015

»The plot is as original as the characters. Between the lines you begin to believe you can detect the scent of Provence. (…) Great to hear that Blanc will be investigating further cases.« Kölner Stadtanzeiger on “Mörderischer Mistral”

„Thrilling, complex and equipped with a charismatic protagonist – highly readable.“
Eckart Bayer, Buchjournal on “Mörderischer Mistral”

Atmospheric, authentic, thrilling

Capitaine Roger Blanc investigates in the Camargue

August, the air over Provence shimmers in suffocating heat. Capitaine Roger Blanc and his col-league Marius Tonon are called to the Camargue. A black fighting bull has escaped from the pas-ture and has gored a cyclist on its horns. A bizarre accident, or so it initially seems. Until Blanc discovers evidence that someone left the gate open intentionally …

The deceased is Albert Cohen, political magazine reporter, fashion intellectual from Paris, TV personality. He was in the Camargue to write a major article on Vincent van Gogh. Yet what has that got to do with the attack? Whilst a cheerful building crew remove the old roof from his di-lapidated oil mill, but don’t find a new one, Blanc comes across Cohen’s incomplete report during his investigation, which is not quite as harmless as it initially appeared. And also a spectacular, never solved burglary on the Côte d'Azur, and an old, deadly story that everyone, absolutely eve-ryone wants to forget. By the end, Blanc feels a little more at home in his new surroundings in Provence. But he pays a high price for it.

Cay Rademacher, born 1965, studied Anglo-American history, ancient history and philosophy in Cologne and Washington. He has been an editor at Geo since 1999 where he participated in establishing the history magazine Geo-Epoche, whose managing editor he has been since 2006. His first novel in the Inspector Stave series is „Der Trümmermörder“ / The Rubble Murder (2011), followed by Inspector stave’s second and third case “Der Schieber” / The Trafficker (2012) and “Der Fälscher”/The Forger (2013). After moving from Hamburg to Provence, France with his wife and three children in Summer 2013 he started with “Mörderischer Mistral”/ Murderous Mistral (2014) a new crime series with Capitain Roger Blanc set in Provence.

Rights to previous title in this series sold to: Ediciones Maeva (Spanish World)

Rights inquiries

Cay Rademacher

Cay Rademacher, born in 1965, is a freelance journalist and author. His Provence series includes eleven cases. DuMont also published his trilogy from...
Cay Rademacher, born in 1965, is a freelance journalist and author. His Provence series includes eleven cases. DuMont also published his trilogy from post-war Hamburg: 'Der Trümmermörder' (2011), 'Der Schieber' (2012) and 'Der Fälscher' (2013). He also published the crime novels ‘Ein letzter Sommer in Méjean' (2019), 'Stille Nacht in der Provence' (2020) and ‘Passage nach Maskat (2022). Cay Rademacher lives with his family near Salon-de-Provence in France.