Das Lieblingsbuch des unabhängigen Buchhandels 2021
A Novel, ca. 320 pages

Spring 2021 - English sample available
More than 400,000 copies sold!

Friends forever!

It’s looking like 16-year-old Friedrich isn’t going to get moved up at the end of the school year. His only chance is to resit his exams – which means no holiday with his family, no summer. As if that wasn’t bad enough, his mum tells him he has to go and study with his grandfather. Friedrich is dismayed: he’s always thought his grandfather rather formal and reserved. His only comfort is Nana, his grandmother. And Beate, the girl in the bottle-green swimsuit he met at the swimming pool a few days before the start of the holidays. Despite all his forebodings, over the next few weeks he comes to see his grandfather in a new light, hears the story of how his grandparents met, and falls in love himself for the first time. A perfect summer – if it wasn’t for his best friend Johann, who comes across as cool and confident, but underneath it all is actually a very complicated person.

A man looks back at the summer that changed his life

Rights sold to: Al Arabi (Arabic); Delightpress (Complex Chinese Characters); Host (Czech); Nieuw Amsterdam (Dutch); Orenda Books (English World); Varrak (Estonian); Albin Michel (French); Keller Editore (Italian); Foliant (Russian); Literárna bašta (Slovak)

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Ewald Arenz

Ewald Arenz, born in Nürnberg in 1965, studied English and American literature and history. He is a teacher at a secondary school in Nürnberg. His...
Ewald Arenz, born in Nürnberg in 1965, studied English and American literature and history. He is a teacher at a secondary school in Nürnberg. His novels and plays have received many awards. The author lives near Fürth with his family.