A novel
240 pages

“Of course one has to be athletic. Anyone who wants to be taken seriously today absolutely has to be athletic, whether he is working in the computer industry or as a manager in a supermarket. It is imperative to be athletic.”

Every morning he stands before the mirror and checks the hollow in which his navel lies. Every evening he moulds his powerful muscles in the health club. He is heading for the “Alpha anatomy”.
Otherwise Philipp’s business life moves between dieting and non-stop flirting, between the triceps and holiday trips. He plays body and career, women and success off against each other with mastery. Nothing is more important to this solo performer than effect.
But behind the self-glorification and the display Philipp the business consultant is a driven man. He is disturbed by the desire for children shown by Isabell, his long-time fiancée and mentor, as much as by a colleague who is rivalling him for promotion to junior partner. A certain Mr. Weinheimer is following him.
The victorious progress of this modern career athlete through the Olympics of life becomes a hunt.

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Italy (Mondadori), Finland (Otava), Spain (Planeta), Taiwan (New Sprouts)

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John von Düffel

John von Düffel was born in Göttingen in 1966, he works as a dramaturg at Deutsches Theater Berlin and is professor for scenic writing at the Berlin...
John von Düffel was born in Göttingen in 1966, he works as a dramaturg at Deutsches Theater Berlin and is professor for scenic writing at the Berlin University of the Arts. He has published novels and story collections with DuMont since 1998, including 'Vom Wasser' (1998), 'Houwelandt' (2004), 'Wassererzählungen' (2014), 'Das Klassenbuch' (2017), 'Der brennende See' (2020) 'Wasser und andere Welten' (new edition 2021) and most recently ‘Die Wütenden und die Schuldigen’ (2021). His works have...