»So ehrlich, lustig, stark und verletzlich – ich konnte nicht mehr aufhören zu lesen.« JASMIN SCHREIBER
Auto-Fiction, ca. 208 pp.
Autumn 2021

Out of the city, into the caravan - about people, mice and magic

"So honest, funny, strong and vulnerable - I couldn't stop reading." Jasmin Schreiber

"I roared with laughter and then I was deeply moved. With great intensity Judith Poznan tells of a both bizarre and honest campsite parallel world, of
class and origin, motherhood and a beautiful love story."
M.-C. Piwowarski, Ocelot Bookstore

How a Campsite Became a Lifesaver

When her boyfriend opens up to Judith about not wanting a second child, it's a shock. Isn't it clear that their son needs a sibling to develop well? Don't they need to be four to make a "real" family? Her boyfriend's decision plunges Judith into a life crisis.
But rescue is at hand: A friend tells her about a campsite in Brandenburg; a former open-cast gravel pit that was used as a vacation home by construction workers in the GDR, but is now an idyll with lots of greenery and a lake nearby. What could be better than this kind of happy place to save their son from a traumatic childhood after all? They have to go square! So Judith unceremoniously buys a caravan, and the camping site gets three new residents ...
With a sense of comedy, full of feeling and also pain, Judith Poznan tells of a summer between relationship problems and colour buckets. She reflects on the fragile and at the same time demanding nature of family. Her worries and fears as a young mother are as much a subject as her desire to be a writer and the question of what her origins in pre- and post-reunification East Berlin actually have to do with her often torn present.
"Prima Aussicht" is a smart and sincere book, as funny as it is heartfelt.

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Judith Poznan

Judith Poznan was born in 1986 in Berlin-Lichtenberg. After training as a bookseller, she studied literature and journalism at the Free University of...
Judith Poznan was born in 1986 in Berlin-Lichtenberg. After training as a bookseller, she studied literature and journalism at the Free University of Berlin. She writes regularly for Eltern-Magazin, Berliner Zeitung and Spiegel Online. With her Instagram account (@judith_poznan), she reaches thousands of followers every day. Judith Poznan lives with her family in Berlin.