Schwester, bleibt mein Arm so?
Schwester, bleibt mein Arm so?

Schwester, bleibt mein Arm so?

Geschichten von der Intensivstation

208 pages
Die Wirklichkeit ist krasser – und lustiger!
Geschichten von der Intensivstation /
Stories from the intensive care unit

ca. 180 pages
Autumn 2014

Humanitarian, humorous, funny
Behind-the-scene looks at the ICU parallel world
With respect for people, not for conventions

How are we doing today?
Something is always going on in the ICU. Well, it is not always a matter of life and death but why the patient in Room 7 arrived wearing the rear section of a zebra costume or how to show the two Afghan women in sign language that deadly nightshade was by no means the best remedy against menopause complaints.

Karla Brandt describes the daily madness at the ICU, where difficult cases are sometimes wheeled in through the big double doors once a minute from an attentive and humorous perspective. After working in this field for nine years, she developed a somewhat exaggerated but very vivid system of dealing with the usual types of patients as well as the often odd team of colleagues. She has seen people from all possible cultural circles, ages and pay grades naked, both physically and emotionally. In the face of sickness and death, other things become more important than hair colour, income and looking pretty. Her insights into the parallel world of the hospital are sometimes extremely funny, sometimes incredibly sad and always perceptive and full of human kindness.

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Karla Brandt

Karla Brandt, born 1973 in the Rhineland, cared for dead birds even as a girl. After numerous traineeships and a successfully interrupted course of...
Karla Brandt, born 1973 in the Rhineland, cared for dead birds even as a girl. After numerous traineeships and a successfully interrupted course of study she found her calling as a nurse and has been working in the ICU of a large hospital for nine years.