Eine Wiener Buchhandlung in den Goldenen 1920ern
A Novel, ca. 180-200 pp.
Autumn 2021

The sequel to the successful novels 'When Spring Comes To Vienna' and 'Summer in Vienna'

A novel revolving around the traditional bookshop 'Hartlieb's Books' over 100 years ago

A great love story of ordinary people against the background of the 1920s


Vienna 1916. In the last years of the First World War, difficult times begin for the Viennese bookseller Oskar Novak and his wife Marie. An injury spares Oskar a return to the front, but Marie suspects that he has experienced things he will probably never forget. Hunger and hardship characterize Vienna in those years, and the small bookshop on Währinger Strasse does not make enough money.
But when the worst of the hardship has been alleviated, fate awaits with a new test in 1919: The Spanish flu is rampant in Vienna. Only the beginning of the new decade finally brings light back into Marie's and Oskar's lives. In 1920, little Paul is born and customers return to the bookstore. And with free-spirited friend Fanni Gold comes the glitz and glamour of the 1920s: nightly visits to the theater and coffee houses bring a change of pace. But what is it about these women's gatherings that Fanni wants to take her to? Suffrage for women - should Marie join her self-confident friend in this dangerous fight?

After a grand sweep through the dazzling 1920s, the novel cycle ends with Arthur Schnitzler's death in October 1931.

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Petra Hartlieb

Petra Hartlieb was born in Munich in 1967 and grew up in Upper Austria. She studied psychology and history and then worked as a press officer and...
Petra Hartlieb was born in Munich in 1967 and grew up in Upper Austria. She studied psychology and history and then worked as a press officer and literary critic in Vienna and Hamburg. In 2004 she took over a traditional Viennese bookshop in the Währing district, now Hartlieb's Books. Her book 'Meine wundervolle Buchhandlung' (My wonderful bookshop), published by DuMont in 2014, tells the story. In 'Wenn es Frühling wird in Wien' and 'Sommer in Wien' this very bookshop again plays a central...