»Das Wien der Operetten, der Belle Époque und der intellektuellen Salons bildet den Hintergrund für diesen amüsanten und kurzweiligen Roman.« Literaturkurier
A Novel, ca. 180 pp.
Spring 2018

The Bookseller and the Nanny:
Spring Fever in Arthur Schnitzler’s Vienna

Vienna 1912. Marie is happy. After her childhood in great poverty on a farm in Upper Austria, she finds unexpected happiness as a nanny in the home of the famous playwright Arthur Schnitzler and his wife. But her true happiness is called Oskar: already for a while the charming but poor bookseller is making advances on her – and she is not averse. But is he really serious with her? Marie learns how fragile happiness can be when Sophie, the maid in the Schnitzler household only narrowly escapes death after a failed abortion. And when she overhears that Arthur Schnitzler has seen her beloved Oskar one late evening in the fashionable Café Sacher with a very attractive young lady…

But not only in Marie’s small world a lot is uncertain in this spring of 1912 in Vienna.
The passionate reader and bookseller Oskar is wondering if he can make a living for Marie and himself as a bookseller. The largest luxury liner of the time is setting sail – and colliding with an iceberg. Is it possible that all passengers survived as newspapers first reported?

On the background of well researched historical events Petra Hartlieb brings to live Arthur Schnitzler’s Vienna from below the stairs to the glamorous salons of the intellectuals of the time and tells the story of the nanny Marie and the bookseller Oskar.

Rights sold to: Siruela (Spanish World);

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Petra Hartlieb

Petra Hartlieb was born in Munich in 1967 and grew up in Upper Austria. She studied psychology and history and then worked as a press officer and...
Petra Hartlieb was born in Munich in 1967 and grew up in Upper Austria. She studied psychology and history and then worked as a press officer and literary critic in Vienna and Hamburg. In 2004 she took over a traditional Viennese bookshop in the Währing district, now Hartlieb's Books. Her book 'Meine wundervolle Buchhandlung' (My wonderful bookshop), published by DuMont in 2014, tells the story. In 'Wenn es Frühling wird in Wien' and 'Sommer in Wien' this very bookshop again plays a central...