»Elisa Hoven und Thomas Weigend widmen sich heiklen Fragen des Strafrechts.« FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG
Strafsachen. Ist unser Recht wirklich gerecht? / Criminal Matters. Are our laws really just?
Real-life cases explained by lawyers
On the relationship between law and our sense of justice
In the Name of the People?
Criminal justice polarizes, captivates, and outrages us like no other topic. True crime entertainment has seen great success and the media report on criminality practically every day. Time and again there are crimes that unsettle us, calling our fundamental laws and values into question.
This sense of unease grows when it comes to the trial. Court judgements are often not easily understood by the majority of citizens. Almost sixty per cent of people surveyed responded that sentences dealt out by criminal courts in Germany are ‘too lenient’.
The book looks at 35 dramatic cases, each of which prompts astonishment, concern, or outrage, including:
• the Kurfürstendamm speeding case: are drivers who speed murderers?
• gang rape in Mühlheim: why can a 13-year-old rapist not be punished?
• the case of Renate Künast: is the term ‘piece of shit’ an insult?
• the Hänel case: why was a doctor charged for providing information about abortion?
• the cannibal case: can you really kill (and eat) a person with their consent?
Elisa Hoven and Thomas Weigend explain how the judgements in these cases came about, why the law is the way it is, and whether things need to change.
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