Ein kollektiver Text zu weiblichem Begehren, Sex und Alter
WIR KOMMEN. Kollektivroman / COMING. Collective Novel
A Collective Novel
224 pages
Spring 2024
A collective text exploring female* desire, sex, and age
An unprecedented collaboration: 18 prominent literary voices unite in one collective text
Taking in trauma and taboos, dry patches and dreams open, liberated, poetic, furious, witty
Generations Pass by in a Single Orgasm
Sex is everywhere and sex sells. In our western society, we see ourselves as enlightened and free, open and receptive. But is that really true? And for everyone?
Few areas of discourse are still permeated by such taboos and myths, such pressure to adhere to certain norms, as female* sexuality. Yet, for women trying to escape the objectification of the male gaze, the boundaries of what can be exhibited and what can be said are still narrowly set. This is especially true for women who are no longer young and for mothers: As sexual beings, they still hardly appear in the public perception. For many the exploration of personal pleasure and desire, remains a little known, potentially dangerous terrain which, for many, is still accompanied by feelings of shame. The dearth of vocabulary to describe this important topic is an expression of a general speechlessness when it comes to the matter of female* desire.
Verena Güntner, Elisabeth R. Hager, and Julia Wolf combat this speechlessness with a literary book project: Coming. They have invited fifteen colleagues from different generations to discuss under the cover of anonymity expressions of female* desire. The result is a unique literary collective text which casts light on the elements of female* and queer sexuality that society suppresses.
The editors*: LIQUID CENTER is a feminist literary collective based in Berlin, consisting of the authors* Verena Güntner, Elisabeth R. Hager and Julia Wolf.
The aim of their collaboration is to increase the visibility of feminist issues in contemporary literature.
LIQUID CENTER work in an interdisciplinary, deregulated and fluid constellation.
The authors*: Lene Albrecht Ulrike Draesner Sirka Elspaß Erica Fischer Olga Grjasnowa Simon Goldschmidt-Lechner (SGL) Verena Güntner
Elisabeth R. Hager Kim de l'Horizon I.V. Nuss Maxi Obexer Yade Yasemin Önder Caca Savic Sabine Scholl Clara Umbach Julia Wolf and two authors* who wish to remain anonymous