

Vegetarische Küche für heiße Tage. Die besten Rezepte zum Abkühlen

176 pages
Vegetarisch & leicht – Gerichte mit Frischekick
Hitzefrei / Heat-free. Vegetarian Cooking for Hot Days. The Best 75 Recipes to Help You Cool Off

Ca. 70 4/c photos
176 pages
25 x 19 cm
Spring 2024

Clever seasoning instead of long stews - with ultimate nutrition and refreshment tips.
Vegan, vegetarian & light - perfect dishes for the freshness kick

“Perfect for hot days and balmy evenings.”
Annette Postel, MY LIFE

“Every recipe is a delight.”
Yasmina Fiege, WOMEN'S HEALTH

“Why do we like it? Because reading it makes you feel endlessly excited about summer and you immediately start planning when (and where) you're going to savour all these delicacies.”

Cool Off and Enjoy — With the Best Tips for Chowing Down and Staying Cool

For the last few years, the hot summers that were once the preserve of southern climes have moved up north. Shimmering heat, hours and hours of sunshine, and warm nights leave us hankering after some refreshment, crunchy salads and sparkling drinks under an umbrella, aromatic vegetables on the grill, and light snacks for when hunger strikes. We welcome anything that’s ready in a jiffy and doesn’t require hours stewing in the oven or simmering on the stove — vegetarian and vegan meals that leave you feeling satisfied without making you sluggish.
Agnes and Yelda think outside the box and take inspiration from the cooking of numerous sun-kissed countries, because the people there have long known which ingredients and dishes are best in high summer. Combined with plenty of delicious new creations, this book celebrates seasonal splendour and dishes up the coolest recipes for hot days.

Rights inquiries

Agnes Prus

Agnes Prus loves mild summer evenings and a few rounds outdoors with friends, with tapas, meze and more. She lives in Cologne and develops recipes...
Agnes Prus loves mild summer evenings and a few rounds outdoors with friends, with tapas, meze and more. She lives in Cologne and develops recipes for books, print magazines and websites, and works as a food stylist. DuMont recently published her baking book, Afternoon Treats.

Yelda Yilmaz

Yelda Yilmaz studied photography and works in Hamburg as a freelance photographer for a range of magazines. She has already worked on several cookery...
Yelda Yilmaz studied photography and works in Hamburg as a freelance photographer for a range of magazines. She has already worked on several cookery books, leads cookery and baking courses, and her photos give Heat-free that perfect summer vibe.