Die Welt zwischen den Nachrichten
Die Welt zwischen den Nachrichten
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Shortlist für den Wilhelm Raabe-Literaturpreis 2024
Die Welt zwischen den Nachrichten / The World Between the News

A Novel, ca. 250 pages
Autumn 2024

Shortlisted for the Wilhelm Raabe Literature Prize 2024

How do you tell the story of your own life? Judith Kuckart's novel impresses with emotional and linguistic intensity

An auto-fictional novel that captures not only the author's own biography but also the socio-political cornerstones of our time

‘Judith Kuckart's book is a wonderful homage to storytelling itself.’ Joachim Scholl - DEUTSCHLANDFUNK KULTUR
 ‘A fantastic, unusual book, saturated with poetry and dreams, floating and yet animating.’
Jutta Duhm-Heitzmann, WDR 5 Books

‘‘The World Between the News is a novel that opens up paths to one's own memories while reading it. Your own thoughts fit perfectly between the lines of this fragile and soberly formulated life story, which in its wondrous timelessness shows how little external events, as documented in the news, have to do with inner experience. Judith Kuckart gives her readers a fishing rod to fish in their own lives for the memories that also tell of a fulfilled life.’ Annemarie Stoltenberg, NDR

Questions to One’s Own Life

In her previous books, Judith Kuckart had questions for her semi-fictional characters. Here, however, she moves through her own life. Where do I come from? How did I live? How did I become who I am? Her questions lead to her origins, to the silent catastrophes in her family. She talks about important girlfriends and the men in her life. And finally she asks the question: How do I want to organise the last third of my time?
With a linguistic density that touches the reader, Judith Kuckart tells the story of her biography and thus sheds light on an entire generation, her own.
By talking about herself, Judith Kuckart's novel aims directly at our own lives: Images, smells and sounds emerge from our past and show us what we have experienced between the news.

Rights to previous books sold to:
Al-Arabi (Arab); Seagull Books (English World);

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Judith Kuckart

Judith Kuckart, born in 1959, lives as an author and director in Berlin. She published the novel 'Lenas Liebe' (2002), the short story collection...
Judith Kuckart, born in 1959, lives as an author and director in Berlin. She published the novel 'Lenas Liebe' (2002), the short story collection 'Die Autorenwitwe' (2003), the new edition of her novel 'Der Bibliothekar' (2004) as well as the novels 'Kaiserstraße' (2006), 'Die Verdächtige' (2008), 'Wünsche' (2013), 'Dass man durch Belgien muss auf dem Weg zum Glück' (2015) and 'Kein Sturm, nur Wetter' (2019) and ‘Café der Unsichtbaren’ (2022) with DuMont. Judith Kuckart has been awarded...