person-image-Judith Kuckart
© Martin Rottenkolber


Judith Kuckart, born in 1959, lives as an author and director in Berlin. She published the novel 'Lenas Liebe' (2002), the short story collection 'Die Autorenwitwe' (2003), the new edition of her novel 'Der Bibliothekar' (2004) as well as the novels 'Kaiserstraße' (2006), 'Die Verdächtige' (2008), 'Wünsche' (2013), 'Dass man durch Belgien muss auf dem Weg zum Glück' (2015) and 'Kein Sturm, nur Wetter' (2019) and ‘Café der Unsichtbaren’ (2022) with DuMont. Judith Kuckart has been awarded numerous literary prizes and including the Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Preis (2012).