Morden in der Menopause
Morden in der Menopause
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Hormone töten – und zwar andere
Morden in der Menopause / The Menopause Murders

A Crime Novel,
ca. 304 pages
Spring 2024
English sample available

A menopause full of corpses: about a woman whose life goes into overdrive

Funny, fast-paced, entertaining

Hormones Kill – Namely Others

48-year-old Liv is a wife, mother of three and works successfully as a kitchen planner. She doesn't know that much about menopause. Mood swings and hot flashes, okay, sure, she's heard about them. But the fact that her first hot flash is accompanied by her first murder comes as a surprise. Especially for the guy who actually just wants to sell her pubescent son some drugs and provokes Liv so much that she cracks his skull. From then on, her well-ordered life is thrown into disarray. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop at just the one murder — regrettably, unfortunate circumstances lead to yet more unhappy situations . But it also led to Liv finally being properly informed about her bloody hormonal balance and finally stops her getting bogged down between family, job and household.
The Menopause Murders tells the story of a woman who's in over her head - so badly, in fact, that a few people unfortunately have to jump the fence. Exciting, funny and original - the world's first menopausal crime novel!

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Tine Dreyer

Tine Dreyer is the pseudonym of an author who has been successfully writing crime novels and thrillers as well as screenplays for years. 2024 DuMont...
Tine Dreyer is the pseudonym of an author who has been successfully writing crime novels and thrillers as well as screenplays for years. 2024 DuMont published her crime novel “Morden in der Menopause” – the first menopausal crime novel of the World. Tine Dreyer lives in Cologne with her husband, two sons and a dog.